The Website That Makes Your Analysis Easier!

We have been in the data analysis business for almost half a decade now and we know that there is nothing more time consuming and deadline crunching than getting accurate, up to date, and usable financial reports. It can take countless hours searching individual companies looking for the Excel files just to find that they only provide the last 3 years and those don't even format correctly in excel so you can't use them in Alteryx or Tableau. Companies like Intrino and Bloomberg Terminal make it a lot easier but at $10,000 - $30,000 a year per broker we were left sitting there wondering how much was our time really worth. So we decided to build FMEY. In one convenient database we provide U.S. companies' financial data for the past 15 years. In fact, we get our reports directly from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We give you all of the information a company reports to the SEC since 2008 in one Excel file, per company, in one database, for a fraction of the price!

Why Choose Our Service?

  • Extensive Archive: Access companies' filings dating back to 2008 for all companies.
  • Highly Organized: Data optimally structured in Excel for ease of analysis.
  • Reliable Source: Data sourced directly from the SEC and updated daily.
  • Reasonable Prices: We review our competition and ensure that our products are less expensive!

Available Data:

  • Annual Reports (10K)
  • Quarterly Reports (10Q)

Take control over your analysis

Never miss important data again. FMEY uploads daily financial reports of every US company and easily allows you to interact with our data with any platform you wish.

Have questions? Reach out here or join our Discord server! US Financial Data!

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